Frequently Asked Questions
What is One Voice Chorus?
We are a community-based chorus located in Richmond, Virginia. We are focused on diversity of all types, but with a specific emphasis on racial/ethnic diversity.
How diverse is the chorus?
Right now, we are about one-third African American and two-thirds Caucasian, with a sprinkling of singers of other ethnicities. We are actively working to increase our diversity. We have a diverse range of ages although as is the case with most community choruses, we skew older and have many more sopranos and altos than tenors and basses.
Are there really no auditions?
There really are no auditions! We have many members who sang in high school or college and have been away for a while but miss singing and are looking for a group to join. And many others that just want to sing! Many are attracted to our emphasis on diversity, both in music and membership. It helps if you can read music, but it is not a requirement.
What do you sing?
One Voice sings a range of music, including classical pieces, spirituals, showtunes, and more. Each concert will feature a variety of musical styles. You can download our recent concerts to get a better sense of our programs.
When and where do you rehearse?
We rehearse on Monday evenings from 7:00-9:15 pm at Epiphany Lutheran Church, 1400 Horsepen Road (where Monument meets Horsepen). There are a couple of Saturday sectional rehearsals each concert cycle, and additional rehearsals may be scheduled as needed.
When and where are the concerts?
We perform three concerts a year, usually in November, March, and June. The venues vary from year to year, but concerts usually take place in local churches. Dress rehearsals are normally on the Thursday evening prior to the concert. Information on the remaining concerts in our 2024-2025 season is available here.
How much does it cost to participate?
Singers are required to pay a $50 participation fee each concert cycle. The fee covers the cost of sheet music (which is yours to keep) and other costs associated with putting on the concert. Scholarships are available: we do not turn anyone away due to inability to pay the participation fee.
Can i participate in just one or two concerts?
Yes! While we think you will get the most benefit from singing our full season (late August thru mid-June), we understand that sometimes other priorities intrude. If you know you will have a particularly busy spring, for example, and would not be able to attend enough rehearsals, you may skip that concert/rehearsal cycle. You are always welcome to come to rehearsals and enjoy the music and fellowship, even if you cannot sing in the corresponding concert.
What is expected of me as a member of One Voice Chorus?
Although we are a non-auditioned chorus, we take our music very seriously. In order to get the most out of the One Voice experience, you need to be diligent about attending rehearsals and practicing on your own between rehearsals. Before you sign up, be sure your schedule will allow you to participate fully.
We expect you to attend rehearsals; singers are encouraged to miss no more than three rehearsals per concert cycle. We expect you to pay attention during rehearsals and take notes on instructions provided by the Artistic Director. We expect you to practice on your own during the week, using YouTube videos and other rehearsal aids. We expect you to promptly pay the participation fee, to help obtain concert sponsors (ie, $) and spread the word about upcoming concerts, and to invite family, friends, and acquaintances to attend. We ask you to refrain from wearing scents of any kind to rehearsal, since many singers are sensitive to perfumes, colognes, hair sprays, and scented soaps and hand lotions. Finally, we expect you to have fun, to be open and friendly, to respect others, and to experience the joy of Singing the Beauty and Power of Diversity!
I’m convinced: how do I join?
Just show up! Everything you need to know is explained in the How to Join section of the website. If you want to let us know you’re coming, and/or want to be added to our email list to receive reminders, contact us at We encourage you attend one of our concerts or sit in on a rehearsal and see what you think. We’re sure you’ll be back!
I really don’t/can’t sing; can I help in some other way?
Yes! One Voice is a non-profit organization registered with the state of Virginia, and we gratefully accept donations. If you are a small business owner, we have a concert sponsorship program that you can participate in to help publicize your business and support our efforts. We are always looking for volunteer ushers to help at our concerts.
What if i have more questions?
Check out the rest of the website for additional information. If you still have questions, feel free to contact us at
updated 12/15/2024